New Beginnings

Soaking up the last bit of summer

Happy Friday, everyone!

Just like my girl, Taylor Swift sings, August slipped away into a moment in time. If you’re a fall person like me, you might be feeling excited for the cooler weather, foliage, and everything pumpkin spice. Although it can be sad when summer comes to an end, the start of fall can signify beautiful new beginnings — a new school year, football season, or a simple fresh start. I hope you were able to prioritize self-care through the summer and are getting ready for what’s next!

Soaking up the last bit of summer…I spy, anyone?! 🐚 🌊 

All the best,


Morning Routine for Mental Health

How you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of your day. If you’re struggling with your morning routine, it can be helpful to start with small goals each day and increase them over time. Instead of focusing on how the routine should look, try celebrating the small changes you are making.

  1. Set an intention for the day- Take a few minutes to sit in silence, take some deep breaths, and choose a single word, or sentence, to embody for the day.

  2. Avoid checking your phone- Reaching for your phone first thing in the morning can disrupt your routine and cause you to feel overwhelmed. Try giving yourself a time limit before checking it.

  3. Journal- Writing down your thoughts each morning is a great way to practice gratitude. Journaling can also support you with processing recent or past events.

  4. Make your bed- Doing this simple task every morning can boost your sense of well-being and set you up for success. It also demonstrates your commitment to keeping your space clean and comfortable.

  5. Hydrate- Water plays a key role in many of our body’s functions. Starting your day with a glass of water helps you rehydrate your body and supports good digestion.

  6. Movement- Moving your body can signal your brain to release endorphins and helps you get your blood flowing. Choose the type of movement that works best for you, whether it’s stretching or a workout class.

99 Mindful Conversation Topics For Deeper Connections

Mindful conversation topics are perfect for deepening relationships and fostering meaningful discussions—whether with strangers, family members, romantic partners, or friends old and new.

Katyi Christian

Learn more on The Good Trade.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

Using our five senses in the the 5-4-3-2-1 technique forces you to slow down and shift your attention to the present moment. Strive to notice small details that your mind would usually tune out, such as the texture of an ordinary object, distant sounds, etc.

  • 5 things you see

  • 4 things you can feel/touch

  • 3 things you hear

  • 2 things you can smell

  • 1 thing you can taste (or swap with a feeling)


🎙 Setting & Keeping Better Boundaries

In this “On Purpose with Jay Shetty” episode, Jay and psychotherapist, Lori Gottlieb, discuss how to unveil deeper bonds through challenging discussions and ways to know if you are settling in relationships.

“You don’t choose a partner à la carte. You can’t just order up all the qualities that you want. You get what you get and there’s going to be all these different qualities. And if that’s really important to you and you are going to feel like I want to change this person, then that’s doomed.”

Lori Gottlieb

Listen here.

Today’s Affirmation

I have grace and compassion for my mistakes.

If you're in Maryland and looking to discuss therapy options, you can find me at Mindful Therapy Collective.